Bringing People Together With and Without Special Needs through Therapeutic, Clinical and Recreational Programs since 2009.

Ways to Support Our Programs


  • $10 buys a bag of horse treats that participants give to their horses

  • $25 buys a bag of grain that can feed a horse for a whole month!

  • $50 buys hay to feed a horse or pony for a week.

  • $100 gives a horse a pedicure! (horse shoes)

  • $250 covers an annual routine veterinary visit for one year.


  • $10 buys a toy for our participants to use during a riding lesson.

  • $25 buys arts and crafts supplies for our unmounted programs.

  • $50 buys a new ASTM/SEI certified riding helmet.

  • $100 subsidizes a semi-private riding lesson for siblings.

  • $250 supports a child in our summer programming.